Two weeks have flown by. It's hard to keep up with the pace of two active kids and a husband that won't sit down. I have learned alot about myself and my significant other in these past fourteen-ish days that might not sound important but truly are.
lesson 1. I really do love organization, schedules, rules, and order. Most people that know me will laugh. I am very random, spontaneous, and messy. This is why it is a lesson. If I wasn't always like this it wouldn't be a lesson. The girls have a definite routine that gives plenty of time for fun and spontenaity. My husband, who is not known for being on time or knowing what a timeline is, has not caught on to this concept. The bickering that might have happened (mostly me) has happened because I feel the need to keep my crazy, busy life in order. Therefore, I apologize to my husband and children that mommy needs to take a chill pill and be on the "go with the flow" boat. I'm just not use to the analness of organization OCD yet.
lesson 2. I am the Mom and I can do anything I want. Yes ladies and gentleman this is a true statement. Some guys might disagree, but in the end Mom's rule. We might give our husbands a hint of power or dominance, but we are in charge. I pick the girls up and they want a snack. In my head, the timeline fits. They hadn't had anything to eat in a few hours, I'm hungry too sooo, we eat. I have patted myself on the back because they only get healthy snacks which consists of fruit or veggies. I cook the night meal and keep them on a schedule. THERFORE if I feel like giving my kids an icee or candy sparatically, I can. Once pointed out, there should be no fussing from the other gender. Popcicles and group bathtime (the girls not everyone) are a TERRIFIC idea because they are hot. Hey I'm hot too. So what if either of these spoil their appetite. It's hot! I'm the Mom. I say so. Now, don't write a book about this is the key to a happy homelife. It works in my little family.
lesson 3. Practice sleeping with something large befor sleeping with your spouse. I am so sorry Ross you have bruises on your head from my elbow. I swear that thing has a mind of its on. It's a diva and likes your pillow. Your head is just in the way. On the reverse, your body is not the size of a child. Stay on your side. I have drawn a line and labeled the sides for a reason. Thanks for the cooperation.
lesson 4. I love my life and my little family. They bring me stress and great joy. Our house is only quiet after 11pm, when we are all in bed and I LOVE IT! It feels like we were meant to be together.
So I have to share a quick story about our night last night. Thursdays are my days to have control over the oversized tv. I watch SYTYCD (so you think you can dance for lay people) and Project Oneway also commonly known as Project Runway. Poor Ross just wanted to spend quality time with me and the girls. We have two girls so they are into these shows too. (YAY) After the commentary of the dance show, "I could do that. Wow that girl is good. Oh he needs to go I like that other guys dance better", it was time to watch some fashion. I had to hold in my giggle when Ross started talking during this show. "I would use such and such. That is hideous. No one would wear that. I have to admit that's pretty cool". All I could think in my head was how much he is going to gripe to his friends that I MAKE him watch this show, but he is just as into it as I am. He finally stopped right after the runway show, turned to me, and said "I'm going to have to go cut down that tree or go kill something with my bare hands to get my manhood back". Now you know why I think he is a keeper!!
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