Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ross is out of town this week. This is the first time we have been away from each other as a married couple. It's pretty much making more sad than I already am. I need him here to bounce off ideas and problems. He is my rock, best friend, and partner. **AACCKK**(I just threw up listening to myself). I LOVE IT!!! The one big problem with him gone is that it leaves me to my thoughts...alone. No one to tell me to stop thinking and shut up. Also, no one to settle me down. This was a huge problem last night. I am thinking he might not leave me alone after last night's conversation.
He called after he was in his hotel room just to talk.

Me: Do you have a skill saw?
Ross: What?! Wait! Why is it so quite? Where are the kids?
Me: They are in the bathroom.
Ross: Well yeah, but why can't I hear them.
Me: I closed the door. They were getting on my nerves.
Ross: I'm pretty sure that boders on child abuse. What if one drowns?
Me: Then the other better learn CPR real quick or scream REALLY loud b/c I'm also humming to myself and I'm loud.
Ross: Go open the door.
Me: If you insist, but I think swimming in the tub is a necessary survival technique that our children must learn to survive.
Ross: Is the door open yet?
Me: Do you have a skill saw?
Ross: Do you need one to open the door?
Me: No it's opened, but I need one. I have serveral projects that I need a saw for. Our house is going to look GORGEOUS.
Ross: Can you wait until I get home to use a saw?
Me: uumm....NO. Thanks for telling me we have one. I have to go now. I hope our landlord doesn't mind me using it inside. It's too dark out now. I love you. Bye.
Ross: (well I don't know what he said. I cut him off. I don't need negativity or a voice of reason in my life. Thanks Ross)

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