Monday, October 10, 2011

Funk Funk Funk it up!

I am in this funk. I don't know what it is. Maybe it the excessive weight gain that I can't get under control. Maybe it's the school work piling up and never getting caught up. Maybe it's the other changes in my life that have me anxious. I just can't seem to shake it. SSSOOO I have decided to throw myself full force into my crafts that I have planned for my house. Pinterest is my crack, and I am not going to rehab anytime soon. The idea bring me out of my funk for a second and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Now I know you are wondering why I don't get caught up with schoolwork? Good question. How come I can focus for three hours on a craft project, but struggle with homeowork? I don't know and I'm not really looking to find out the answer. I am just making due until I have a mental breakdown or I get caught up. Whichever is more fun.
Other things on my agenda...
find coordinating outfits for the family for family pictures. Ross' wardrboe is lacking in some if we wore camo, I could pick out his outfit blindfolded.
practice The Princess' snack day snacks. This is not REALLY important,but I am ashamed of my efforts last month. I have been waiting a month to make my come back.
try out some new recipes. We are all getting tired of the samething b/c mommy's creativity in the food area is lacking.
find out how to get Monkey to sleep in her bed again. I agree with her reasons (Princess snores, there are ghosts, her bed isn't as comfy as mine, and many many more...she's pretty creative). Everytime she climbs in bed with us it feels like our bed shrinks by eight feet. not just the two feet that she actually takes up. Mommy needs to sleep like that too my dear and you are blocking me.
All of these things are not really important, but are on my mind. Maybe checking these off my list will give me some relief for what is really on my mind.
Why when you want something so bad, and you don't get it, you become bitter at the entire world? Maybe it's just my state of mind right now, but more and more things are getting on my nerves (wearing fur coats and uggs when it is still 92degrees outside is just one example). I talked to my rock yesterday and figured out how to erase this. I'll let you know how that works out...or you can tell by the hole in the side of my house/door/car.

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