Monday, September 19, 2011

Straight Jacket

Maybe there is a reason Ross doesn't take me on dates more often. Things like this happen....

We are sitting at the bar in a restraunt, waiting for our table. We have both dressed nicely for each other, which includes me straigtening my hair.
Me: OMG My hair is so soft. Feel it.
Ross: No. I believe you. It's very pretty baby.
Me: NO feel it. I'm serious.
Ross: No.

At this point I am disappointed but not defeated. I will win once again.
In the middle of dinner....

Ross: blah blah blah blah
Me (interrupting his blahs): Hey feel my hair. It is so soft!
Ross: Right here at the table? You want me to reach across the table and feel your hair?
Me: uuhh yeah
Ross: NO that is gross.
Me: My hair is not gross. Your hair is gross. Mine is shiny and soft. I did this for you!

He reaches across the table and strokes my hair.
Ross: It is soft baby. Thank you.
Me: Your hair is still gross.

Poor Ross

Friday, September 16, 2011

I just can't stop

This is the girls' reading nook.
Their school work is hanging from rope and clothes pins that I let the girls make. They each got to pick their own wooden pieces to glue on. They are so proud to show off their work. I made the "flower" in the flowerpot and hanging above their paper light. At night before bed they sit in front of me in the chair, and I read to them like a teacher. (good practice)

Soon I will get the pictures of their own paintings they did (Lily's is very abstract, but she is proud). 
I have decided that the next room will be the playroom. Thanks to my pinning addiction, I have TONS of ideas. In addition to my addiction, I am not ready to face the animal situation yet. That is just something I am not prepared to work with right now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

a straight jacket or happily ever after..

I understand my grandparents so much better now. I would watch as they bickered or pappaw would stay busy and basically drive each other crazy....they were in love!
An instance where I know I am either loved deeply or in a few years you will have to visit me during visitation hours.
I was trying on clothes and was a little discouraged that nothing in my closet looked right. Nothing felt like I was the pretty princess I normally am. I stood in front of my closet and yelled "Why don't you fit anymore. We are not friends". I started throwing down jeans and stomping on them violently. Ross quickly and silently exited the room, refusing to look at me. Still not sure why.
He aggrevates me so I aggrevate back.
Ross is notorious for being a good husband and emptying the trash every other day. Such a good boy. However, he NEVER puts a new bag in. For a busy mom on the go this is very frustrating. I do not like having a dustpan full of debris or wet pull up and no bag to put it in. So like a sweet wife I am, I left the empty trash can in front of the door so he would run into it when he opened the door. To make matters worse, I left the lights off. Hopefully his physical pain and frustration will equal to what I feel every other day when I reach for the trash.
He has almost (key word being almost) given up on my watching tv with  him. He says I ask way too many questions and can't just sit and enjoy. Actually good sir that is part of my plan. I will continue to ask why that lady is trying to shoot a bow like her husband or why that animal is that color or who comes up with team uniforms and how could I get into that. Why will I keep annoying my sweet husband? He will eventually grow tired of the constant chatter and retire to the bedroom with the smaller non HD TV and leave me with the enormous flat screen stuck to our wall.
I will also continue to put gigantic bows in our children's hair and tell them to wear their tap shoes on the hardwood floors. First off they are girls and these things will define them and develop charachter. Second off, it bugs him. Sometimes I put the large bows in my hair and wear them around the house. Another instance where he just looks and walks away quietly. This is now a daily occurance, by the way.
To sum it all up. My husband must love me. He puts up with way too much stuff, random or planned, that would drive anyone insane (probably why my mom didn't cry at my wedding, she was just so darn happy to pass that torch). He is good to me and is my partner. I worry about him. I worry that he might be crazy as me. Maybe he will be the one in the straight jacket OR like my grandparents house nothing will ever be broken and our outside shop will always be busy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflin...really

I feel like this month is flying by. These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I started school. It was slow going at first, but now it's flying by and I'm completely NOT organized. This is A LOT scary since everything else in my life is at this moment. An all nighter is in my near future and I pray for my husband and kids that they survive the aftershocks.
Speaking husband rocks my world. I love him sssoo much. We finally had a date night minus kids this past Saturday. We acted like teenagers. We laughed the entire time. Even if there is a brief moment of silence between us, one of us will conjure up a random conversation to annoy the other. Yes this is very elementary to try to annoy your significant other, that's how we roll. I do believe that in order to make this marriage work (especially to crazy me) laughter is a must! He also helped out cleaning at granny's, which was not an easy task. Last night we showed off our exceptional teamwork. One  unloaded groceries while the other got the kids ready for bed. One did the laundry and such while the other did the dishes. We don't talk much while we tag team surprisingly. As Tim Gunn would say, we "make it work". I sat there after everything was done within the hour cheering us quietly. High air fives went out in my head. We work so well together we just get it done without saying what or when something needs to be done. Pat on the back to us.
The kids are great. They have transitioned beyond belief into this shared life. They love each other so much and miss each other when they aren't around each other. They started dance last week. Brexli got in the groove and was disappointed she wasn't on stage yet (not a shocker). Lily just stood there and cried the last ten minutes of class. Typical. Wouldn't expect anything less from my baby. My first snack day came and went in a flash. I disappointed myself by not doing one of the many creative ideas I have. I will blame it completely on Ross. He covered up the snack calendar. This happened to be on the night that I had night class and he had gone hog hunting. I conjured up some cookies and grapes. Didn't know you had to have a beverage, but that will be taken care of next time. (Her teacher is not on the great side of communication, but I am taking notes for my own classroom. Thanks lady). I have already forgotten to wash Brex's nap blanket (and she told EVERYONE). I am hitting little speed bumps, but I am learning and definitely laughing along the way. Why not? As my mom says "it's better to laugh than cry. You will stop your nose up" (she is so wise. I love her)
Off to class. I need some distraction from my home life and what is coming up at work when I get there. GAH A.D.D is BAD to have on a busy schedule.
I still promise there will be pictures of the girl's finished room. They are doing their own art projects tonight. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! No telling what they are going to draw.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coming soon

I have been decorating the girls room since we moved in. I love being creative and artsy. I will be done after this weekend I think. I am SO excited. I will be posting pictures of the final outcome.
Next room to work on....I can't decide playroom or living room. Whatever I do in the living room I have to do around "the animals" SO that might take sometime. ( I WILL get my driftwood coffee table...yes made out of driftwood)
I'm going wherever the wind takes me!

From the Words of George Micheal...

"You gotta have faith, faith, faith"
Cheesy 80's song, I know. I have this knack, courtesy of my grandmother to have a song for any situation. Every time I start to stress these days, I sing this song, mostly in my head...mostly. It's hard to have complete faith in God and His plan. There are some murky, rough waters throughout life. Just when you think life is sort of tough, BAM, something else happens. This song gets me through. First off it gives me a giggle, especially when I clap while singing. The other thing is that it is a reminder that no matter what I have to look up and let go.
My wonderful preacher a couple of weeks ago preached on something that has been on my heart. He talked about how it is easier to sail a boat in the daytime when you can see everything, but there are some people (somewhere in South America or Miami....that was about the time my child had to pee I think) and they sail only at night. It might be harder, but their rewards are twice as rewarding. The preacher said that people make the mistake thinking being a Christian means not having to go through rough times. That is definitely not the case. Being a Christian means that you have to travel those tough waters to see the light. It's like when you go into a dark tunnel. It's dark, but you keep on driving because you know there is light at the other end.
My husband and I had to have a faith talk not too long ago. He wanted to know my story and how I am so sure. I don't really have a story. I had gone astray, had Lily, and was holding her one day. I prayed "Ok God, you gave me my miracle. Show me what you want me to do". I didn't try to make anything happen. I just listened to what came in my heart for me to do in life. I am at peace with how my life was an is. God had a great plan and still does. I just have to have complete Faith that he knows my husband and I well enough to guide us to where we are suppose to be.
I have a lot more to pray for these days. I have this plan in my head of how I want things to go except I'm not really forcing the plan. I am not making concrete actions until I feel it in my heart. I have faith that it will all work out how it is suppose to be.
So when you are feeling stressed or unsure or just confused sing some George Micheal, clap if you need to. Send a little prayer up to help you keep the faith. It might not be what you want or intended, but God has a purpose. So let go and listen.