Monday, September 19, 2011

Straight Jacket

Maybe there is a reason Ross doesn't take me on dates more often. Things like this happen....

We are sitting at the bar in a restraunt, waiting for our table. We have both dressed nicely for each other, which includes me straigtening my hair.
Me: OMG My hair is so soft. Feel it.
Ross: No. I believe you. It's very pretty baby.
Me: NO feel it. I'm serious.
Ross: No.

At this point I am disappointed but not defeated. I will win once again.
In the middle of dinner....

Ross: blah blah blah blah
Me (interrupting his blahs): Hey feel my hair. It is so soft!
Ross: Right here at the table? You want me to reach across the table and feel your hair?
Me: uuhh yeah
Ross: NO that is gross.
Me: My hair is not gross. Your hair is gross. Mine is shiny and soft. I did this for you!

He reaches across the table and strokes my hair.
Ross: It is soft baby. Thank you.
Me: Your hair is still gross.

Poor Ross

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