Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Here are some of the crafts, thanks to my obsession pinterest (if anyone knows how to correctly say that contact me immediately). I always involve the girls who I have respectfully named Princess and Monkey. You can probably guess which is which. I make sure they help me because you must involve your children in everything so they will connect with you and not get involved in drugs or gangs (which I am extremely worried about with a 3 and 4 yr old). Also, I think you must introduce your children to their addictive personalities early in life so they are aware in case of therefore mentioned dangers. Feel free to laugh at my attempts. I have a creative mind, but my execution leaves alot to be desired BUT I am TRYING!
"frankenstein" door. His eyes are fixed now so he doesn't just look like a "special" door. He really looks like frankenstien. I guess I could take a new picture, but I'm over him.

These are laterns. I will put votives or tea lights in them and they will illuminate the night sky and porch stairs, if you only want to see within a 4cm radius. The girls lost interest after two, so the other six I made alone.

Finally this is my wreath. I finished this in one night thanks to my coach, Ross. He thought I was being a wuss because the pinking shears were rubbing a blister. He told me to man up and finish. I finished just be able to whine about my blister the next day and blast him about spousal abuse. He just walked away. (weird). I will put a brownish/turkey-ish bow for Thanksgiving. Also, I will probably do a red one for Christmas with a green bow THEN add a pinkish bow for Valentine's Day. OH and our iron jumped in the picture. We don't have a good relationship. No matter where it is in the laundry room my elbow always comes in contact with it causing me to curse at it endlessly.

Those are a few of my crafts. I have decorated our mantle/dish box home. I wonder if our landlord would mind me making a larger one.....PINTEREST!!!!!!! I'm also happy to report that Ross is completely on board with my obsession. If he had access to this glorious, distracting website, he would be doing contructive, pretty projects instead of useless manly ones. He is all about putting his two cents worth in or ideas. He even helped me decide what to do for Princess' upcoming snack day. (He agress we failed the first time and need a *BAM* snack this month).
More creativity to follow!!

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