Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Yesterday was a bad/good day. It was a first. I got to spend the whole day with Brexli Isabell. I have never spent the day with just me and her. She was sick so she had to stay home from daycare. I don't like my babies being sick, but I was excited I got to spend it with her. This is the time that I am trying to stop and "smell the roses" per say. I am trying to stop and enjoy my time and life with my family. Saying that I got to see what this miss diva was all about.
I realized yesterday how different she is from Lily. I know she is from two completely different people, but it's so easy to see similarities because they are so close to age. Brexli is not as independent as Lily. She has to have someone to play with or get attention from. Not saying this in a bad way. She is able to interact with others easier than my child. It will help her later in life to adapt. She has a bigger heart than Lily. Lily has to warm up to you and even then she has to feel some kind of connection. Brexli loves everyone. She thinks everyone is her friend no matter what. I am like that. Always have been. She is so smart. She excels in school and I can NOT wait until she gets in big school. I think she will  do so great being challenged. She takes things in. She absorbs what you say and do. She can repeat any song or anything you say, even if it isn't the sameday. (Ross and I found this out the hard way).
This little girl is amazing. I love that she is part of my life. She has been through so much in her four years. I hope it will not affect her in later years, but all I can do is give her love and support. I am raising her the sameway I am raising my child. I want her to know that she is part of my heart just like her sister.

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