Monday, August 29, 2011

Going through the big D

Dum Dum Dum Dum....
This is not the big D that anyone is thinking. Not Dallas and definitely not divorce. This D is depression. Did you know that depression affects 1 out of 10 adults. I personally think this statistic is off. Why? People don't like to talk about it. Like in my case, it feels like I have failed at something, that I am not strong enough to do everything. It's hard to admit that you aren't superwoman or man. Other people might not understand the signs of depression or ignore them. Why does society look down on not having the satisfied feeling?
My struggle started late in life. After Lily was born, I was a wreck. I honestly do not remember the first few months of her life. It is sad to say, but I don't. It breaks my heart that I missed some precious moments. I was just going through the motions. Living from day to day, not wanting to part with my offspring, not wanting to get out of the house, not caring. My mom insisted that I talk to the doctor. Sure enough, he put me on an antidepressant and POOF complete different. I was my old self again. Everthing thing was normal. Then there came a time in my life that I was engaged, going to school, figuring out my new teamate and family, working, and trying to fit friends in. Again, I WAS A WRECK! My poor family. Poor Ross. Bless his heart. He didn't know what to do with a fiancee that cried every other day and yelled the other days. GAH that girl was CRAZY! So again with the insistance of my dear mother, I talked to a new doctor. She is amazing. She gets it. She is in school now (to further her education) to study the way any medicine reacts with the brain. (OK LADY SLOW DOWN ON THE SMARTNESS). She said that A.D.D./A.D.H.D. people are more likely to have depression. These people's brains are trying to fix the ADD and can't work on the areas that cause depression and vise versa. Totally makes sense. Right!? So certain medicines only work together for ADD people. If parents or adults were told this when kids are acurately diagnosed with ADD (b/c we all know a bored kid in school is diagnosed w/ adhd too much...seen it happen) that this could be a potential problem, it could be caught sooner.
Depression should not be hidden. We have all been there. Some people's brains adjust easier than others. Don't judge or overreact when someone tells you they are depressed. Listen first. We live in a world that is always on the run and pile too many things on our plates. Find a support person or group that you feel you can open up to and relate to.
I still find myself struggling day to day still. It's hard to say that when my life is at the most perfect it has ever been. I feel like I'm heading in the right direction though. Being open and honest about what I'm going through helps. It helps my love ones to know why I breakdown and cry or why I don't feel like attending a function. I believe in my heart that it helps others too. Maybe they can talk to me because I understand. Maybe we can help each other out of the darkest times. Either way I am going to keep on talking and putting it all out there because...well because I want to and it makes me happy. SO THERE!
That is my story on depression. The end...for now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Marci I had no idea. Im so proud of you for laying it all out there like this. I feel like I'm getting to know a different Marci.

